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Connecting Data, People and Ideas since 2016.

Organizing events at the scale, coverage and quality that we aspire to is no easy feat. And it gets even harder if you take the financial aspect into account. We want as many people as possible to benefit from what we are sharing. We want our events to be approachable and affordable. We try to keep prices low, and over time, make all content available.  



Our sponsors are an important part of this ecosystem. We have the honor of working with the leaders in our industry. Their trust and support, financial and otherwise, is hugely important in enabling us to keep doing what we're doing. We honor our relationships with our sponsors, and we see our job as connecting them with our audience in a way that is beneficial for both sides. 



Do you want to work with us? Do get in touch, and let's talk about your goals and how we can help you get results.

Connected Data World Sponsors

Connected Data World 2021  All Rights Reserved.

Connected Data is a trading name of Neural Alpha LTD.

Edinburgh House - 170 Kennington Lane
Lambeth, London - SE11 5DP