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Connecting Data, People and Ideas since 2016.
10 July 2023
JSON is the de facto data format for developers today because it’s easy to use, but it’s not without its issues. JSON-LD builds on top of JSON, facilitating enterprise data
29 November 2021
  A talk by George Anadiotis, Ashleigh Faith, Katariina Kari, Paco Nathan, Tara Raafat, Panos Alexopoulos, James Phare, Ivo Velitchkov and Andrea Volpini About this talk #CDW21 is kicking off with
09 July 2021
by Tony Burdett, Senior Software Engineer, The European Bioinformatics Institute Tony Burdett's slides from his talk at Connected Data London. Tony is a Senior Software Engineer at The European Bioinformatics
09 July 2021
  by Dr.  Jesús Barrasa, Senior field engineer, Neo4j Dr. Jesús Barrasa's slides from his talk at Connected Data London. Jesús, who is a senior field engineer at Neo4j presented how

Adding metadata and cataloguing facilities to datasets, and providing the schema and structure of the relationships in data, elevates their utility. Semantic Technology provides the means to add this context and meaning to data.

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